Michael's Pizza Dough

  • 400 g bread flour

  • salt

  • 1 teaspoon instant yeast

  • not-vegan cheese

  • toppings

if you have a 12" cast iron pan at home, you should 100% be making your own pizza regularly. if you don't have a 12" cast iron pan at home, you need t rethink your life choices. go get one. than in a large bowl, mix together 400g of bread flour (i said bread flour... not all purpose flour, not almond flour, not anything but bread flour. if you fuck this up, give up), a good ass pinch of salt (if we're fucking with measurements, i'd say maybe 10g), and about 1tsp (sOrRy, fOuR oR FiVe gRaMs) of instant yeast. not active yeast. not pizza yeast. fucking instant yeast.
then add 275g water and 8g virgin as fuck olive oil to that. you're gonna want to start mixing with a wooden spoon almost instantly. don't fucking with stand mixers and dough hooks. that stuff sucks. wooden. spoon.
once all the flour seems to be dissolved, cover the bowl tightly with plastic wrap . leave that on your counter for... eh... 12 hours?
if it's summertime and hot in your place, you might want to let it go shorter so it doesn't overproof.
flour up a work surface (you can use all purpose here, but none of that almond flour shit), put your big ass dough ball onto it, sprinkle the top with more flour, cut it into two, coat your hands in flour, then each half you want to like... kinda fold it? you want to kinda like... mold it into a ball, but by tucking it underneath itself rather than pretending like you're making a snowball. if that doesn't make sense, there's probably plenty of yotube vids about folding dough.
so now you take 2 pans, cus you and your ex-girlfriend probably have different tastes in pizza. drizzle each pan in more virgin as fuck oil. then in each pan, add a ball of dough. kinda like... roll it and flip it so each ball is evenly coated in oil. then use your palm to kinda press each ball flat a little. not a lot... but more like... if you're 10 year old son got a all C+'s and you're patting him on top of the head semi-frustrated because while he technically passed and doesn't have to repeat 5th grade, you wished he did better
you're kinda wanting to mostly slightly flatten to and spread the oil around the pans. once you do, cover it with more plastic wrap again and sit for 2 hours. at this point, the dough should be filling the pans and you know you're in for a good time. use your fingertips and press the dough around the pans so it kinda fills up the pan. you don't want open spaces. or bubbles. pop bubbles if you see them.
now, dress your shit. sauce first, then cheese. REAL CHEESE. not that fucking vegan shit. but low moisture, freshly grated, real mozzarella goodness.
okay so, here is where another importantly step comes in
do. no. fucking. skip. this. part.
salt it.
just like... sprinkle some salt on top after you just have sauce and cheese
you'll probably be thinking
"well michael, that's too much salt"
and you'll decide to not do it
and you'll have fucked up.
you might as well throw it all away at this point. or give it to someone else who is willing to add salt.
if you do add salt, good. then add your toppings. meats, veggies, whatever. may i suggest crumbled italian pork sausage and minced jalapeno?
drizzle your pizza with more virgin as fuck olive oil and throw it into the oven, center racked, at 550 degrees. or 500 if your oven only foes that high. if it doesn't go to 500, go buy a new oven.
if it goes to 550, cook it for about 12 or 13 minutes. if 500, maybe 15?
now, pull them out of the oven and throw them onto the stove over medium heat. you want to do this for only probably 2 minutes or so. and you want to get a spatula and kinda move the pizza around as you do. this helps crisp up the bottom and the edges
pull the pizzas from their pans, throw them on a cutting board, and let them rest at least 5 minutes
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